Two days of unmissable events
13th-14th June | London

Day 1: In person and online | Day 2: online only

In-person and online

Day 1:

09:00 - 09:25 | MAIN STAGE

Welcome - Setting the Scene


Darren Knowd - Head of Procurement, Sales & Business Services, Durham County Council

Guy Battle - CEO, Social Value Portal

09:25 - 09:40 | MAIN STAGE

Opening Keynote Speech


Florence Eshalomi - Member of Parliament for Vauxhall and Shadow Cabinet Office Minister

09:40 - 10:55 | MAIN STAGE

Towards a Social Value Economy: Building the Vision

The Social Value Economy describes an ecosystem in which all agencies, organisations and individuals have a common purpose: to improve the societal, environmental and economic challenges our communities face in order for everyone to prosper and flourish. But how can this be done and how will we break down traditional sector barriers to deliver upon our vision?


Campbell McDonald

Florence Eshalomi - Member of Parliament for Vauxhall and Shadow Cabinet Office Minister

Martin Esom - Waltham Forest

Tara McGeehan - CGI

Holly Piper - Fair4AllFinance

11:00 - 11:15 | MAIN STAGE

Inspiring Stories - Grace Enterprises

Matt will share real-life stories of what social impact looks like on the front line, and the positive difference it makes working with companies who truly value Social Value. Hear about lives transformed through employment in their first two social enterprises Radiant Cleaners and Jubilee Events - and why social impact was the starting point for their new business that starts this month: Half the Story 


Matt Parfitt - CEO, Grace Enterprises

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee Break

11:45 - 13:00

Morning Breakouts

Please note: Access to livestreams of Day 1 breakouts requires an ‘Enhanced online access’ ticket.


Unlocking the Power of the Public Pound

A procurement Masterclass aimed at public sector buyers. The session will cover the new Procurement Bill as well as explore how the public sector can best unlock the power of their spending. You will hear from those who are leading the way and setting the standards.


Samantha Butler - Cabinet Office (Chair)

Lindsay Maguire - Cabinet Office

Lorraine Cox - STAR Procurement

David Whipp - Ministry of Defence

Darren Knowd - Durham County Council

Building the Foundations

Developing an Effective Social Value Strategy

If we are to deliver a Social Value Economy, then Business needs to step up to the plate and integrate social value goals into their corporate strategy. But what does a good social value strategy look like and how can business embed social value into its culture and how it manages its supply chain.


Annie Wong - Deloitte (Chair)

Andrew Hodgson, Recycling Lives

Kevin Steele - Thales Group

Amanda Scott - Compass Group

Sinead Moloney - ISG Ltd

Meeting Community Needs

Responding to community needs

Social Value should be about doing with and not doing to, it is also the case that the most value is delivered where there exists the greatest need. But how should this be done and what steps need to be taken to ensure our communities are listened to, local needs are met and a lasting legacy remains.


Andrew O’Brien - Demos (Chair)

Martin Laity - Babcock International

Dan Haines - Microsoft

Kat Dixon - Babcock International

Carolyn Bowman - Useful Projects

Cathy Berry - Babcock International

Nicola Turner - United By 2022 Legacy Charity

Radical Collaboration

Towards a Place-Based Approach for delivering Social Value

If we are to properly unlock social value for communities, then we will need to work across boundaries and find ways of aligning goals. This session will explore how a Place-Based approach to delivering social value can unlock new opportunities for our communities.


Cllr Susan McDonnell - Durham County Council (Chair)

Caroline Wilson - LAIN

Richard Carroll - Durham County Council

Antonia Jennings - CLES

Gareth Jones - Town Square

13:00 - 14:00

Intermission - Lunch

14:00 - 15:15

Afternoon Breakouts

Please note: Access to livestreams of Day 1 breakouts requires an ‘Enhanced online access’ ticket.


Business as a Force for Good

A Social Value Economy is made up of many players including businesses. But does business balance its need to generate shareholder returns with the objectives of a social value economy? How can we unlock the power and passion of business to do good and drive change in our society?


Kerry Stares - Charles Russell Speechlys (Chair)

John Hayes - NatWest

Rachel Skinner - WSP

Liz Barclay - Small Business Commissioner

Adrian Hawkins - biz4Biz and Herts LEP

Building the Foundations

Social Value 101

Just starting out on your journey and wanting to learn more about Social Value? This session will give you the tools you need to develop a strategy and begin to measure and report social value.


Lorraine Cox - STAR Procurement (Chair)

Nikki Rowbottom - 7 Step Solutions

Joanna Dahlgren - London Borough of Waltham Forest

Sol Tannir - Social Value Portal

Sarah Lambshead - Faithful+Gould

Meeting Community Needs

Unlocking Value for Communities in How We Plan and Build our Cities

Buildings are not spaceships; they are the fabric of our environment providing places to live and work. Despite this, their social value is rarely properly considered, let alone measured and reported. This is a massive challenge that will require changes to not only our planning system but also in how we build and then manage our built environment.


Anna McChesney Gordon - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Phoebe Dennis - Social Value Portal

Simon Russian - Redevco

David Swieton - Southampton Council

Wesley Ankrah - Savills Earth

Alison Ramsey - SCAPE

Radical Collaboration

How do we deliver Mission Zero Carbon through radical collaboration?

Climate Change is one of our biggest challenges and will require us to work across sector boundaries and align our goals. But what will it take and how can we unlock the power of radical collaboration to deliver for future generations?


Arnab Dutt - Federation of Small Businesses (Chair)

Kevin Draisey - Department for Education

Nathan Goode - Social Value Portal

Chris Clarke - SCAPE Procurement

Louise Hosegood - South West Net Zero Hub

15:15 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 16:00 | MAIN STAGE

Inspiring Stories - Working Chance

‘’At Working Chance, we believe no woman should be held back by her past. That's why we support women with convictions to develop the confidence, self-belief and skills they need to succeed in the world of work and get their life on track’’ -  Chief Executive Natasha Finlayson will inspire us with real stories about the women they have helped and the incredible difference that employment makes to their lives and to reducing reoffending. 


Natasha Finlayson - CEO, Working Chance

16:00 - 17:15 | MAIN STAGE

Social Value Economy - Delivering the Vision

To deliver a Social Value Economy we need radical collaboration across traditional siloes – combining our diverse experience and expertise in pursuit of common goals to produce game-changing ideas and practice. Join us to take part in a live experiment that aims to demonstrate what we can achieve through radical collaboration!

Chief Facilitator:

Campbell McDonald


Richard Moran - Compass Group UK & Ireland

Darren Knowd - Durham County Council

17:15 - 17:30 | MAIN STAGE

Closing Reflections on Day 1


Guy Battle - CEO, Social Value Portal

Darren Knowd - Head of Procurement, Sales and Business Services, Durham County Council

19:00 - 23:00 | ASSEMBLY HALL

The Social Value Awards 2023 - Dinner and Ceremony

The Social Value Awards are the most widely recognised and prestigious prizes to reward organisations and individuals for doing good in their communities. It recognises those who go above and beyond to provide added value to communities.

Join us for an evening of celebration of some of the best social value initiatives on after Day 1 of the conference.

Please note: dinner reservations are not included with in-person conference tickets and must be purchased separately.

Online only

Day 2:

09:30 - 09:45 | MAIN STAGE

Welcome and Reflections on Day 1


Darren Knowd - Head of Procurement, Sales and Business Services, Durham County Council

Guy Battle - CEO, Social Value Portal

09:45 - 10:55 | MAIN STAGE

Opening Keynote and Panel Discussion: Towards a Social Value Economy - The Role of Business

Should all businesses be social enterprises in how they behave?


Sean Haley, Sodexo


Arnab Dutt, Federation of Small Businesses (Chair)

Sean Haley, Sodexo

Martin Traynor OBE, Small Business Crown Representative

Barry Hooper, Ministry of Justice

Piumi Mitchell, Deloitte

11:15 - 12:15

Breakout Series 1


Working with the Social Value Model

With the release of PPN06/20 the UK Government now requires all buyers to use the Social Value Model alongside a 10% procurement weighting. Hear from the buyers and suppliers about what works.


Nikki Rowbottom - 7 Step Solutions (Chair)

Kate Clarfelt - Social Value Portal

Gary Young - Fujitsu

Snowia Hussain - Ministry of Justice

Building the Foundations

How do we deliver social value through the health sector.

There is perhaps no other sector where there is a clearer link between Social Value, Health and Wellbeing. The Health Sector is on a journey grappling with the dual challenges of Climate Change and Social Value and making great strides. How is it doing this and what can we learn?


Nathan Goode - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Michell McCann - London Procurement Partnerships

Chris Georgiou - Roche

Neil Hind - NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care

Dave Sweeney - Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership

Meeting Community Needs

Unlocking Social Value for Communities

How often do we hear about another painted scout hut and ask ourselves - is this really what social value is all about? We need to better understand our communities so that we are doing 'with' rather than just doing 'to'. How can this be done and what is the latest thinking?


Tessa Alcorn - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Mark Shearer - ActionFunder

Tiia Sammallahti -

Jo Harrop, PLACED

Prue Wales, Stantec

Radical Collaboration

Next Generation Social Value - Rebel Ideas

What does the future of social value look like and is procurement the way to future-proof social value? Hear from some young professionals - only rebel ideas allowed!


Olivia Sutcliffe - Greater London Authority (Chair)

Holly Onstenk - CHY Consultancy

Sophie Roffe - Government of Jersey

Ali Sajedi - London Borough of Waltham Forest

Rudi Nicholls - Clarion Housing Group

13:15 - 14:15

Breakout Series 2


Social Value Procurement

Social Value is now in almost every tender but what does a good ITT look like, what weightings should be used, how do you manage evaluations and how should buyers deal with remedies. This session is for those working on the coal face of procurement and evaluation


Carol Glenn - Solihull Council (Chair)

Shahla Mack - Social Value Portal

Terry Brewer - Social Value Portal

Matt King - Bristol City Council

Building the Foundations

Social Value vs. CSR - Is this a Zero-Sum Game?

Before Social Value came along it was called CSR and then it became ESG - and whilst it is good news that Social Value has risen up the agenda are we in danger of throwing out our CSR baby with the bath water as we focus more on project led delivery rather than a business-wide approach? Join our expert panel led by Business in the Community for a lively debate.


Jodie Cross - BITC (Chair)

Elizabeth Lane - Amazon Web Services

Jo Jeffreys - Jacobs

Samantha Freelove - Thames Tideway Tunnel

Meeting Community Needs

Is the Social Value Act Working for our 3rd sector?

The Act was partly designed to get more 3rd sector organisations delivering services, but the noises coming from the wings is that it is not delivering. What's going wrong and how can we maximise opportunities for voluntary, community, faith and social enterprises within Procurement


Katrina Browning - Suffolk County Council (Chair)

Piumi Mitchell - Deloitte

Claudia Harris OBE - Makers

Beth Pilgrim - Supply Change

Tara Spence - Homestart in Suffolk

Radical Collaboration

Climate Change, Social Value and the Just Transition

Sometimes it seems that the talk is all about Social Value OR Climate change as if the two challenges are not linked and so some organisations seem to think they have to choose one of the other - join this session to see how this false dichotomy is a myth and the two issues are intrinsically linked


Nathan Goode - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Jo Dobson - Really Useful Projects

Lucille Watkins-Brazier - Lendlease

Brendan Curran - Grantham Institute

Jon Emmett - Greater London Authority

14:30 - 15:30

Breakout Series 3


Winning work with your social value offer.

Social value is now a standard part of the tender requirements for procuring authorities.  How should suppliers develop their social value offer and what does "good" look like?


Nathan Goode - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Sarah Hinchliffe - APMP UK

Karen Middlebrook - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Dan Perfect - NHS Professionals

Building the Foundations

Social Value Accreditation - Are you good enough?

As Social Value goes mainstream, is the time now right for Social Value Accreditation that supports organisations on their journey and weeds out those organisations who are just pretending…?


Guy Battle - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Alex Minett - CHAS

Beverley Place - HB Projects Ltd

Martin Mirimo - SCS Railways Ltd

Chris Barson - Social Value Portal

Meeting Community Needs

Social Value Showcase

We all talk a lot about social value and the challenges of delivering - this is your chance to hear from those who are at the forefront and engagement and solution-making. Get ready to be inspired!


Ed Lang - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Alex Latham-Reynolds - Care Leaver Covenant (Spectra)

Erica Chamberlain - Careers and Enterprise Company

Martin Cosarinsky Campos - Breadwinners

Radical Collaboration

Faithful+Gould - Social (Who/What Do We) Value

The move towards a Social Value Economy is one where we recognise many different types of Value – beyond the basic economic measurement. We will explore why we need to assess both the positive and negative impacts, why £ value does not tell the full picture and how Social Value is a tool for change.


Sarah Lambshead - Faithful+Gould

Anna Mimms - Derby City Council

Aisha Butera - Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

Laurienne Buhinja - Faithful+Gould

15:45 - 16:45

Breakout Series 4


Construction - What does good social value look like?

Many councils are using the TOMs within their procurements - how should suppliers develop their social value offer and what does good look like?


Nathan Goode - Social Value Portal (Chair)

Chris Clarke - SCAPE Procurement

Andrea Holt - Balfour Beatty

Jason McEwan - Government Property Agency

Leigh Hughes - Bouygues

Building the Foundations


Sofie Hooper - Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (Chair)

Anna Farqhuason - ISS World Plc

Andrew Hulbert - Pareto FM

Keith Finnigan - Crown Commercial Service

Re-inventing Facilities Management

The FM industry is ideally placed to unlock over £26BN in social value every year - how can this be done and what are the opportunities?

Meeting Community Needs

Using Social Impact Bonds to deliver better Social Outcomes

How can we match social investment with delivering tangible social outcomes? With an 85% success rate, join this session to learn from Skills Mill which is working to ensure young offenders are supported by society.


Dave Parks - The Skill Mill (Chair)

Naomi Allen Seales - Northstar Ventures

Susan Baines - Manchester Metropolitan University

Lucinda Yeadon - Commercial Estates Group

Sponsored Session

Bringing a flood-affected community together to build a prosperous future

This session takes a closer look at the challenge of proposing a flood defence project for Looe, one of the UK’s most flooded coastal towns. How could the project protect the town while encouraging economic growth?


Samuel Johnson - WSP

Jodi Pastorino – WSP

Simon Burchett – WSP 

Radical Collaboration

Social Value vs. Sustainable Procurement

In the UK Social Value dominates and yet globally it is rarely used and ‘Sustainable Procurement’ dominates. But what are the differences, what do we have to learn from each other and what does it matter anyway as long as we end up in the same place?


David Loseby - Leeds University Business School (Chair)

Jane Lynch - Cardiff University

Rachel Lemos - BC Ferries

Sandra G Hamilton - Manchester Institute of Innovation Research 

17:00 - 17:25 | MAIN STAGE

Closing Reflections on Day 2


Guy Battle - CEO, Social Value Portal

Darren Knowd - Head of Procurement, Sales and Business Services, Durham County Council